How to Store Garlic
Tips for Storing Garlic
Garlic is an essential item in the kitchen. We add it to our pastas, soups, vegetables, bakes and more! When stored properly, garlic will last for months and months. Following these helpful tips will ensure you and your family can enjoy fresh garlic (hopefully it’s Gilroy garlic), through the entire growing season and beyond.
The Basics of Storing Garlic
Garlic is not like most vegetables; it does not grow in cold temperatures. Garlic is best stored in a cool, dry, and dark environment that has good airflow. Whole garlic bulbs like to be stored in a cool (60-65 degrees), dry place. A cupboard, pantry or root cellar is best to ensure proper ventilation and temperature. Avoid placing the garlic in a plastic baggie or airtight container as this can increase moisture and decrease airflow. Instead use a ventilated container like a mesh bag.
How many days can you store garlic?
Fresh garlic will last for over 90 days if stored in a cool dry place.
What is the best way to store garlic?
60 - 65 degrees (not too cold) with little to no humidity. Garlic can also be stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes with holes punched into them to allow proper airflow.
Garlic in Refrigerators
While it’s not ideal to store garlic in the refrigerator (it’s way too cold), if you’re in a pinch, be sure to store the garlic on one of the main shelves and not in the crisper boxes. Keep in mind that when the garlic is removed from the fridge, the temperature change (from refrigerator cold to room temperature/warm), will trick the garlic into thinking it's spring and therefore time to sprout!
Garlic that has sprouted is still fine and edible, just cut the clove in half and remove the green sprout. If you plant a sprouted clove in potting soil it will grow new garlic bulb and you'll have free garlic!
If you have leftover (unpeeled) cloves, they can be stored for about three weeks. Peeled cloves will last about a week.
Garlic in the Freezer
Whole bulbs, cloves, chopped, or minced garlic can be frozen in an airtight container. These are great to use in soups and stews.
What is the best way to store garlic to keep it fresh?
The best way to store garlic to keep it fresh is to keep in in a cool dry place away from potatoes.
How do you prepare garlic for storage?
To get the most out of your garlic, and prolong it’s storage life, don’t break your garlic apart until you’re ready to use it. Keeping the papery layer intact prevents moisture from reaching the cloves.
How do you store garlic on the counter?
● Garlic will store well on the counter or in an open container as long as it is cool and dry and has good airflow. A garlic keeper is a possible option.
● Avoid storing garlic with potatoes. While they are delicious when cooked together, the moisture and ethylene gas from the potatoes will shorten the life of the garlic.
● Garlic hates moisture; humidity leads to spoilage and rot. If you live in an area with a humid climate, it’s especially important not to store your garlic in plastic bags. The plastic bag will trap moisture and prevent ventilation.
Alternative Garlic Storing Methods
Dehydrated Garlic
● Bake sliced garlic cloves on your oven's lowest setting (between 115-140 degrees) for about 30 minutes. You can also use a food dehydrator
● Remove from oven and cool completely
● Store in an airtight container until ready to use
Baked Garlic
● Bake the garlic bulbs using our roasted garlic recipe and freeze the roasted garlic until ready to use
Signs your garlic is spoiled
If you notice any of the following, it’s time to toss the garlic:
● Black specks or dark discoloration on your garlic
● Your garlic is soft or mushy to the touch
For more on methods to safely store and preserve garlic review this UC Davis article.
We hope this has given you some information about how to store garlic. If you have any questions or tips post them in the comments. Follow this link if you're interested in Gilroy Garlic for Sale and here for Garlic Braids for Sale.